Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life , Religion, spirituality and Universe

Living away from your home or rather country makes you uncomfortable in many ways . One such way is that you miss the day to day practises of your culture and traditions. You feel insecure in many ways and the result is that we put more efforts to connect to our culture and traditions. people would walk an extra mile to re connect. That's natural, because we miss the country much more than we ever did. Going to Temple and Gurudwaras is a common among Indians. I hardly went to the marvellous White marble Jain temple which is right in front of my home in Mumbai. But from past 15 months living away from home has made me more frustrated.I miss the sound of the bell early in the morning, miss my mother's and grandmom's holy chants. Thus to regain that feeling and reconnect to my roots i started visiting temples and it felt nice. On a personal level i feel i have become more spiritual. I remember going to this magnificent Vedic style white marble Swami narayan Mandir in Toronto. i feel blessed, the feeling of being Indian resurfaced. The Sanskrit chants of gayatri mantra and mool mantra felt so divine. I started reading various sacred texts, listening to soothing chants. Meditation came next and i felt so divine after chanting.
Now the next question was  . Whats the motive of life ? .Whats my origin ? What is death . ? what after death ?.. these questions would not let me sleep. i started my search with my new Guru .. Google... things related to life , incarnations and re-incarnations, formation of Universe and stuff. I wanted to read about various religions   and their take on the formation of universe, Life and death.
I turned to Bhagavad Geeta and Vedas.My sunday afternoons were spent at Hare rama hare Krsna Temple here in Regina. I had some great conservations on these issues with the temple Caretaker. The vedas believe that Universe never came out in existence at a point in time. It believes it has always been there and always will be there. Vedas says that Time and space are of cyclic nature It says that the current Universe is in a flux and constantly changing, if this ends another one will resurface. Now on some more research i found that this was similar to Ekpyrotic Model of Universe. This means Universe was not formed in singularity.
Hindu scripts have chunks of info on universe , space , time and astronomy.
At the same time i saw this award wining documentary on DVD rented from the local library here , It was Einstein's take on Universe and stuff. The belief is Universe was formed out from a Big Bang then it started expanding , still is expanding and one day will end with a big crunch. Sounds so weird.
My question is what was before Time ? what was before the formation of universe ..What all existed before the Big bang.
Now i came across this parallel that Big bang is brahma ( the creator ) the expansion of universe is Vishnu ( the Big crunch is shiva ( end of Universe ) . This cycle continues for time eternal. Wow what a take. Vedas say that Om is the sound of Universe. Om is the Cosmic Background radiation of the Universe.Vedas also believe in the string theory. Vedas says that first thing which was and will be is sound. Sound is nothing but vibration and that sound is Om. The resonating sound of universe Om. Although it has many meanings.

Then i turned to Jainism for its take on the Universe , life and death . Jains believe that Universe is an uncreated entity. Its a self regulatory system which is existing since infinity and no beginning as well as no end. It believes that the shape of universe is like of a Man standing with his legs stretched and hands on waist. This is very different from other religions about God creating the world.
According to Jain Beliefs the Universe is made of 6 substances or tattvas .. Living beings, non living beings and Non living beings are made of 5 elements namely Matter, principle of motion , principle of rest , space and Time. As Hindu time cycles are made of Yugas .. Jain cycles are made of kal chakras or time cycles. This time cycle is beginning less.

Then i turned to Buddhism for their take. Siddhartha Gautama said Universe comes into existence on the karmas of the living beings. Buddhism believes Universe in a continuous flux and our universe is parallel to infinite universes out their in space. The buddhist cosmology functions on the model of the Mind. It says that thoughts come into existence based on preceding thoughts and those thoughts are converted into many other thoughts and other states. This is so much spiritual.Indeed they say Buddham Sharnam Gachami...

Living in India means having information on all religions , coz of its secular and pluralist nature. The Hebrew Bible says that God took 6 days to make Heaven and earth and on seventh day he takes rest and blesses the seventh day which is known as Sunday. The first 2 chapters explain the creation of heaven and earth.

Islam says that God created Earth and heaven , pretty much same as the bible does. Islam says that the ultimate goal is to realize Allah and visualise the cosmos as the book of symbols.

As a child i read the theory of evolution in school .. Life on earth came started from water and then gradually we came into existence, humans the finest , superior manifestation of Life on Earth. if this theory is considered then if we see Vishnu's major 10 avataras ...the first one being the matsya .. a incarnation of fish. den came kurma and so on and so forth ... till Buddha ... the highest form of life .. i.e humans .. this avatar theory fits in perfectly with the evolution theory.

According to my understanding Soul is an energy .. which cannot be destroyed nor can be created , it will just change forms from one to another.it has been existed from time eternal . that means from some human form to some animal or some plant form or may be if it self realizes it will be formless .i.e its original form .. some say to attain God.. kingdom of heaven or moksha , nirvaan or salvation.
I believe the motive of Life is attain states of higher realization. I do not know how exactly that can be achieved, but everyone should try to attain. Good deeds , karma, actions and reactions, meditation. There may be many ways to reach GOD or No GOD .. just attain Nirvaan or absolute Knowledge.

Its rightly said one who has tried to understand life has always cried on life.
Till date i have no answers how was Universe formed , how Life evolved , what came first an Egg or a hen ? .. no answers .

Seriously Life is so so weird and mysterious

I better get back to chants and jaaps of OM ..

wishing eternal peace to everyone
Om shanti ... shanti .. shanti....